Friday, June 13, 2014

Thing 17

Connecting with community has many interesting apps that I am very interested in trying. I don't know if I should try ones I am interested in and see if the app convinces me to go there or just wait and see if I go and use the app when I get there. That said I think I will tell you about a different app that I discovered at a conference a few weeks ago. It is called Field Trip--I have the android version but I think that it has an Apple version too.
Field Trip finds local places of interest when you get near to them. When I sit at my desk at MSU, I get information about the Amos Owen Garden of American Indian Horticulture which is grown and maintained at MSU. Another place nearby is our Highland Park which is billed as Mankato's First City Park and apparently was first called Bunker Hill but the city decided to name it Highland when they made it into a park. The listings that come up as nearby is every single art sculpture on our city art walking tour. It lists the sculptor, something about him/her and something about the work itself. I highly recommend this app.
The app draws information from several sources including Arcadia, Historvius, Food Network, Zagat, Atlas Obscura, and Daily Secret among others.I had not heard of most of these sources, so now will have to explore them too.
I also downloaded the Mankato 311 app. I think it is great to be able to report problems right when you see them. I have done it by email in the past and Mankato actually responds and tries to rectify the problem if possible.

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